proof sheets! NOW WHAT?


download the entire shoot Immediately. This is your copy of the shoot!


Your shoot will only be up for 30 days before it expires! and there is a $30 dollar re-upload fee***


You can share the link by email to your agents, managers, or anyone!

The share button is directly next to the Download (See photo above :)

Touch Ups

Pick out 1 photo per look for me to touch-up.

Example: If we did 3 looks pick out 3 photos for touch ups. if we did one look, one touch up. You get it.

(If you have more than one free touch up, it can be all 1 look or you can do 1 from each look. It’s up to you… However you want to break it up is fine with me)

Any extra touch ups outside your Freebies are $30 per extra

Sending me you touch up picks

You got 2 way to send them

  1. You can email me the file number. It’s risky because you can make a mistake and the wrong photo gets touched-up. If that happens I’m sorry but that is on you. So Please be careful! Cut and Paste is the best bet. Please send them all in a row with a space between them. EXAMPLE: DSC03475 DSC03476 DSC03477

  2. Or you can just make a favorites list with your picks then hit that paper airplane and it sends directly to me. And if you can figure out how to send them. Just email me and tell me the title of the favorites list. I can see all your favorites on my end.

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Now as always if you have ANY questions about ANYTHING, please feel free to email, call, text or just mail me. I’m here for you!!!